What is an Adult Day Health Program?
It is a way to provide a safe environment for seniors outside of the home. Seniors will spend the day in a friendly and caring community, with access to high quality health services and monitoring, while enjoying enriching activities and social programs, and then head back to the comforts of home each evening.
ABBA Adult Day Health
- 803 Lancaster Street, Leominster
- 508-595-8006
- Website: Click Here
Active Life Adult Day Health
783 Water Street, Fitchburg
- 978-400-7604
- Website: Click Here
Better Day Adult Social Program
- 195 Reservoir Street, Marlboro
- 508-781-0809
- Website: Click Here
Care Central VNA & Hospice Adult Day
- 34 Pearly Lane, Gardner
- 978-632-1230
- Website: Click Here
Cooperative Elder Services
- 30 Sudbury Road, Acton
- 978-448-1400
- Website: Click Here
Living Well Adult Day Health Center
- 125 Hartwell Street, West Boylston
- 508-835-2800
- Website: Click Here
Manor on the Hill
- 450 N Main Stret, Leominster
- 978-537-1661
- Website: Click Here
Disclaimer: This resource comes as a courtesy from ASNCM. You are hereby notified that Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts does not recommend, guarantee, or assume liability for the performance or lack thereof, for any of the resources listed. Compiled by the Information & Referral at Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts. (Updated annually 10/2024)