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Avoiding Scams Fact Sheet

Everyone gets those annoying calls on a daily basis, scammers trying to get access to your important information through unscrupulous tactics – even going so far as to claim that your beloved children or grandchildren are in trouble!

Below is a fact sheet from the Federal Trade Commission to help you or your loved ones have a conversation about fraud targeted towards elders and their families. Have a conversation with your family and friends today so everyone’s information stays safe!

Click for Avoiding Scams Fact Sheet


Disclaimer: This resource comes as a courtesy from ASNCM.  You are hereby notified that Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts does not recommend, guarantee, or assume liability for the performance or lack thereof, for any of the resources listed.

Compiled by the Information & Referral at Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts. (Updated annually 10/2024)

Updated on October 18, 2024

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