What public housing programs are included?
- Elderly/Handicapped Low-Income Housing, Family Low-Income Housing, Special Needs Housing, Supportive Senior Housing Initiative
What documents does an applicant need?
- Documents to verify housing situation (Lease, rent receipts, utility bill, etc.)
- Verify reason for homelessness (if applicable)
- Official fire report, official order of condemnation, a judgment for eviction, medical documentation of severe medical conditions, police reports, medical reports, ect.
What information is needed?
- Residential address, email, and phone number of Head of Household (HoH) and secondary person
- If homeless, the date of when the applicant was displaced from their primary residence and the applicant’s current living situation
- Employment and Veteran status, including dates of service if a Veteran is in the household.
- Date of births, Social Security Numbers, occupation status for all people who will live in the household.
- Annual income for the household for next year
How to apply?
- Online CHAMP application can be found here and paper applications can be found here or at your local housing authority.
CHAMP Supplemental Application: Income and History
When does an applicant fill this out?
- During the initial CHAMP application, the applicant can start to upload these documents. If done in paper, one will be sent by the local housing authority after it has reviewed the initial CHAMP application.
- Once an applicant’s name comes off the waitlist and applicant will only have 10 days to supply all information and supporting documentation or the applicant will lose their housing placement
What additional information and documents are needed?
- Household income over the next 12 months
- Assets like stocks, bonds, trusts, bank accounts or real estate
- Value/current balance, financial institution, and account numbers.
- Information on any sold, transferred or given away assets in the past three years.
- Current household expenses (un-reimbursed medical expenses, health insurance premiums, alimony and/or child support, etc)
- Previous housing information including previous lease holder’s information and previous landlord’s information in the last 5 years
- Information on any previous assistance from any housing authorities or other housing agencies
- 2 personal references
- A sample supplemental application can be found here
Disclaimer: This resource comes as a courtesy from ASNCM. You are hereby notified that AgingServices of North Central MA doesnot recommend, guarantee, or assume liability for the performance or lack thereof, for any of the resources listed. Compiled by the Information & Referral at Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts. (Updated annually 10/2024)