What are Group Dining Cafes?
- MOC’s (Making Opportunity Count) Group Dining Cafes, previously known as congregate meal sites, provide nutritionally balanced lunches served in local senior centers, community meeting halls, and elder apartment complexes.
- These café sites offer a place for elders to socialize over lunch and obtain information about other services available to them.
- The hot noontime meals meet one-third of the USDA’s Daily Recommended Dietary Allowances.
- Diet desserts are available for those with diabetes/ pre-diabetes or those just watching their weight by choice.
When is it available?
- Many but not all towns serve meals Monday through Friday, with the exception of holidays.
- There are no meals served on weekends and meals are not served at breakfast or supper times.
How much does it cost?
- A voluntary, confidential contribution of $3.00 per meal to help cover meal costs is suggested.
How to sign up?
- Reservations must be made in advance at the specific meal site, listed below, you wish to attend
Contact info:
Ashburnham Senior Center: 978-827-5000 | Ayer Meal Site: 978-772-8260 |
Clinton Senior Center: 978-733-4747 | Fitchburg Senior Center: 978-345-8504 |
Fitchburg Green Meal Site: 978-342-8688 | Gardner Senior Center: 978-632-1330 |
Gardner / Church Street: 978-632-8491 | Groton Senior Center: 978-448-1170 |
Hubbardston Meal Site: 978-928-1400 ext. 211 | Lancaster Senior Center: 978-706-1958 |
Leominster Senior Center: 978-424-7548 | Leominster / Span. Amer. CTR: 978-534-3145 ext. 14 |
Lunenburg Senior Center: 978-582-4167 | Pepperell Senior Center: 978-433-0326 |
Princeton Senior Center: 978-464-5977 | Sterling Senior Center: 978-422-3032 |
Townsend Senior Center: 978-597-1710 | Westminster Meal Site:978-874-7402 |
Disclaimer: This resource comes as a courtesy from ASNCM. You are hereby notified that Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts does not recommend, guarantee, or assume liability for the performance or lack thereof, for any of the resources listed. Compiled by the Information & Referral at Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts. (Updated annually 8/2021; revised 8/2021)