• Veteran Service Officers

    What are Veteran Services Officers? Veterans’ Service Officers (VSOs) are appointed by the mayors in cities and by the board of selectmen in towns to administer Chapter 115 benefits to Veterans. One person may serve as a VSO for two or more communities. VSOs process applications for emergency assistance benefits…

  • Frail Elder Waiver

    What is FEW? The Frail Elder Waiver is a Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver Designed to support frail elders aged 60 and older who meet the care level for a nursing facility but prefer to stay in the community. This is a partnership between MassHealth and the Aging Service…

  • A Guide to Assisted Living Facilities

    About Assisted Living Assisted Living Residences are a housing option that includes a special combination of housing and personalized support services designed to meet the needs—both scheduled and unscheduled—of those who require assistance with activities of daily living. Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s) include tasks related to bathing, dressing, grooming,…

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